Friday, June 18, 2010


I want to get back into photography, or rather start to really get into it.

For as long as I remember, I've been interested in visual design/art. I drew a lot when I was a kid, of course pretty much any kid likes to draw, but I was very serious about it even at an early age. I'd spend hours at a time trying to copy characters from comic books. It was all did, beside hanging out with other kids and playing video games that is.
My mother is definitely where I got this urge to be creative from, she's the one who sparked my passion in drawing. She's a very creative person whether it be drawing, designing, painting, origami, whatever really.

I stopped drawing a long time ago, but my interest in visual design persisted. I love editing photos and playing around with photo editing programs; taking pictures, setting up a scene which is to be captured and edited to the desired end result. This is want I enjoy and I think I'm pretty good at it. I should've realized this back when I dropped out of school, pursued a career in photography and graphic design, but I didn't. Instead I'm now chained to a job I hate; a job that's slowly, but surely, draining me mentally and physically, making me depressed and on the occasional verge of a break down.

But enough of that. Right now I'm excited about getting a respectable (DSLR) camera and after a lot of asking around and browsing the world wide web I'm down to two possible candidates, I can afford: the Cannon EOS 550D or the Nikon D90 - I'm leaning towards the Cannon, but we'll see.

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